Reading a TestStand XML Report Using Another Browser or Program

Updated Oct 25, 2024

Reported In


  • TestStand

Issue Details

I generated a TestStand XML report, and I couldn't open it in another browser. Only Internet Explorer may open it. So, Is there an alternative to Internet Explorer for displaying the XML report files?
According to Microsoft, Internet Explorer will be switched off on June 15, 2022.


You may open the XML report in three ways:
  1. Using the free TestStand Report Viewer Utility provided by NI.
  2. Notepad++ and VisualStudioCode are free options that have XML importing capabilities.
  3. Use Microsoft Edge with Internet Explorer Compatibility settings enabled: How to enable IE mode on Microsoft Edge.
If you are using the TestStand 2021 SP1 or later, you don't need the above since the XML reports generated by this version of TestStand, can be opened by any browser.