The SystemLink server license is always checked when you open SystemLink UI or use some feature which requires the license. When there is no valid license you would see one of following messages.
A valid SystemLink Server license is required.The error message indicates there is no valid license for the server or modules. Please go to
this page for further troubleshooting.
The SystemLink server license could not be verified.In some cases, while this error happens, you can see valid network/local SystemLink licenses on NI License Manager. The error indicates that your valid license is not verified. It can be happens when the computer ID is invalid. The computer ID is created by MAC address of main network internet port but when it is blocked, NI License Manager cannot verify your license. In this case, please contact with NI to get activation code or license for
special computer ID .
If you need to prepare for backup license of SystemLink server, you can choose non-concurrent license and create a
disconnected license file .