Check Remote System Status Using TestStand

Updated Oct 29, 2024



  • LabVIEW
  • TestStand

When performing a test and measurement, it is common that one system needs to communicate with another system. Hence, verifying the status of the remote system is an important step before the test and measurement begin. In this article, we will cover how you can check Windows-based remote system status while using TestStand.

Steps below include the configuration needed in both the remote system and the local system. Do ensure both systems are in the same network and can ping each other.

Remote System
  1. Launch LabVIEW.
  2. Select Tools >> Options >> VI Server
  3. Enable TCP/IP under Protocols.image.png
  4. Remember the Port value. The value shown in the image below is just a reference. It could be different in your system.image.png
  5. Click Add under Machine Access and insert as the value of the Machine name/address.image.png
  6. Click OK to close the Options dialogue boximage.png
  7. Get IP Address of the remote system using Command Prompt with the following command ipconfig
  8. Remember IP address of the remote system.

Local System
  1. Launch TestStand.
  2. From Insertion Palette >> LabVIEW Utility, drag and drop Check Remote System Status into your Steps. image.png
  3. Click Check Remote System Status in Step Settings for Check Remote System Status to configure the relevant parameters. image.png
  4. Insert IP Address and Port Number obtained from Step 4 and Step 8 of Remote System into Hostname and Port Number respectively. image.png

With these setup, when you execute the TestStand sequence file, if Check Remote System Status return Passed,it means the remote system is ready to be used and if Failed is returned, it means the remote system is not ready and further troubleshooting is needed.