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Finding Your NI Device or Module Model Number

Updated Jun 7, 2024



  • Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)

This article explains how to determine your NI hardware device or model number. This may be necessary if you are: The article will look explain locating your model number with 2 methods:
  1. Looking at the physical device.
  2. Using NI Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX).

Looking at the Physical Device

  • PCI and PCI Express (PCIe) devices: Model numbers are typically found on the faceplate of the card near the connector. Click here for an example.  Some models also have the product family printed on the shielding of the card.
  • PXI and PXI Express (PXIe) modules: Model numbers are typically found at the top of the faceplate of the card. Click here for an example.  Some models also have the product family printed on the shielding of the card. Click here for an example. 
  • USB devices: Model numbers can be found on the enclosure.

Using NI Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)

  1. Open NI MAX from the Start Menu.
  2. Select My System >> Devices and Interfaces.
    • PCI, PCI Express (PCIe), and USB devices are listed as NI PCI-, NI PCIe- or NI USB- followed by the model number.
    • PXI and PXI Express (PXIe) modules are listed under their chassis, which you will have to click to expand. Modules are listed as NI PXI- or NI PXIe- followed by the model number.