Generate NI-USRP Signal in Period Manner

Updated Sep 28, 2023



  • USRP Software Defined Radio Reconfigurable Device


  • LabVIEW



NI Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) devices are software-defined radios (SDR) used for RF applications. You can utilize NI-USRP transceivers for applications in communications research and teaching since they can send and receive RF signals in a variety of bands.

This tutorial will show you how you can transmit and shut down the NI-USRP signal for every 3 seconds in a periodic manner. The signal will be generated at the Tx port and the result will be viewed in the Rx port.

    Hardware setup:

    1. NI-USRP RIO, this example uses NI USRP-2953R.
    2. Connect NI-USRP to your development PC by using any of the following options in this link.
    3. Connect the TX1 RF0 port to the RX2 RF1 port by following the picture below.

    Software setup:

    1. Make sure to install the required software below:
    1. Create a new LabVIEW project by selecting NI-USRP >> NI-USRP Simple Streaming sample project. Then, select Next to create the project.
    1. After the project has been created, open the Tx and Rx Streaming (Host) VI.  
    2. Open the block diagram of the VI and change the transmit data code by following the highlighted code in the picture below, you can refer to the attached example for your reference. This part of the code will make the NI-USRP transmit and shut down the signal for every 3 seconds in a periodic manner.
    1. Configure the correct USRP RIO Device for your USRP. Then, select the correct configuration for your Tx and Rx. 
    1. Run the example and open the Power Spectrum tab to view and verify the result.

    The result below shows that the NI-USRP is transmitting the signal for 3 seconds. After the time has elapsed, the NI-USRP will go to shutdown state.


    In the shutdown state, the NI-USRP is not transmitting the signal for another 3 seconds. After time has elapsed, the NI-USRP will start to transmit the signal again.
