Disconnected License:
Disconnected Licenses are used on company-owned offline machines on site. Disconnected licenses consume a license on the volume license server.
Note: Upon a server outage the client machines are using a 14-days backup license file. This means if you face any network or server downtime you don't need to create a disconnected license file for each our your client machines. See details here: Using Temporary Network Licenses.
You must create separate disconnected license files for computer-based and named-user licenses. If a user has both types of permissions, you must disconnect both the user and the computer. Concurrent, non-concurrent, non-debug, and non-deployment licenses are eligible for a Disconnected License.
Home Licenses:
A Home License is similar to a Disconnected License but it is exclusively used for personal (home) machines off-site and it does not consume a license on the volume license server. A home license cannot be created in the case of concurrent or debug licenses. Only non-concurrent, non-debug, and non-deployment licenses are eligible for a Home License. See details here: Understanding NI Software Policies.