How to Do UDS Test With CompactRIO and NI-985x

Updated Feb 20, 2024



  • NI-9853
  • NI-9852


  • Automotive Diagnostic Command Set Toolkit

The NI-985x are only supported on FPGA as indicated in C Series Module and CompactDAQ/CompactRIO Hardware Compatibility. This article explains how you can use NI-985x modules with NI Automotive Diagnostic Command Set (ADCS) Toolkit.

1. Open the CAN bridge LabVIEW project in <Program Files (x86)>\National Instruments\LabVIEW (version)\examples\Automotive Diagnostic Command Set\crio\CAN Bridge (FPGA).

2. Refer to the "Instructions" in the front panel of CAN Bridge(FPGA).vi to configurate your project.

3. Transfer the bit file to the C folder of CompactRIO target. Refer to Using WebDAV to Transfer Files to Real-Time Target or Tools Available for File Transfer/Access on NI Linux Real-Time Targets.
4. Open the UDS Read ECU Identification (cRIO) LabVIEW project in <Program Files (x86)>\National Instruments\LabVIEW (version)\examples\Automotive Diagnostic Command Set\crio\\UDS Read ECU Identification (cRIO).Normally if we use PXI, PCI or USB CAN cards to do the UDS test, the input CAN Interface is CAN1 (if the CAN1 is used), but for CompactRIO with NI-985x application, the input CAN interface should be CAN0@/C/canbridgeforobd_FPGATarget_CANBridge (FPGA)_klOi0hTI.lvbitx (Port name is CAN0 as the CAN Bridge (FPGA).vi communicates through Mod1/CAN0).

5. Configurate the Hardware Settings, Protocol Settings and Service Parameter to work with your ECU, then run VI.

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