Upload Failed when Uploading Large Packages to SystemLink Server

Updated Aug 28, 2024

Reported In


  • SystemLink Server
  • NI Package Builder

Issue Details

When uploading a large package to a SystemLink Server, I see the package reach 100% upload, reach the "processing" state and then I receive one the two error messages:
Upload failed (502)


Upload failed (504)

How can I resolve this issue?



This error is occurring due to an internal timeout for the Repository Service proxy, which has a default of 60 seconds. To solve this, increase the request timeout for the Repository Service. The sections below describe the steps you have to go through, depending on your SystemLink Server version:

SystemLink 2021 or Later

  1. On the SystemLink Server machine, open the file 70_nirepo.conf located at C:\Program Files\National Instruments\Shared\Web Server\conf\conf.d in a text editor.
  2. Within the text, replace the line ProxyPass ${NI_REPOSITORYSERVICE_URL}/nirepo/v1/ with the line ProxyPass ${NI_REPOSITORYSERVICE_URL}/nirepo/v1/timeout=300. This will replace the default timeout of 1 minute with a timeout of 5 minutes.
  3. To apply this new timeout, restart the NI Web Server by opening the NI Web Server Configuration on the SystemLink Server machine, navigating to Control and pressing Restart.


SystemLink 2020

  1. On the SystemLink Server machine, open the file WebService.ini located at C:\Program Files\National Instruments\Shared\Web Services\NI\repo_webservice in a text editor.
  2. Within the file, search for the section [VIDefinition_30] and add the RequestTimeout=300000 key-value pair at the end of it. This will replace the default timeout of 1 minute with a timeout of 5 minutes.


  3. To apply this new timeout, restart the NI Web Server by opening the NI Web Server Configuration on the SystemLink Server machine, navigating to Control and pressing Restart.


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