Cannot Insert a Tab Control Into Another Tab Control With LabVIEW

Updated Nov 29, 2023

Reported In


  • LabVIEW

Issue Details

I created a tab control and I tried to insert it into another tab control by dragging and dropping it into the control. Once I do this, it shows the hover outline and a black border and it looks like it is placed in front of the other tab control instead of containing it as shown in the image below:
tab control.png


If there is a control or indicator that contains an error, for example, if a typedef associated with the front panel object was modified and did not update the associated controls and indicators it will be shown grayed out. If the tab control that you are trying to insert into the other tab control contains an object that is grayed out or has an error it will not let you drag and drop it onto it. To solve the issue you need to fix any errors in the indicators or controls contained by the tab control to be able to drag and drop it into another one.