Automatically Delete NI Package Manager Cache

Updated Aug 25, 2022


Operating System

  • Windows

This article demonstrates how to automate the process of deleting cached files from NI Package Manager as an extension of the instructions described in Deleting Product Installer Files That Have Been Copied to My Computer. This process can be beneficial if a large sets of files/folders need to be periodically removed from the system.

Follow the steps below to create a batch script that deletes specified files/folders and configure a scheduled Windows task to periodically run the script.

Creating a Batch Script

1. Open a standard text editor like Notepad.
2. Enter the line(s) below into the Notepad file.
  • The del command deletes files in the specified directory.
  • The rmdir command removes a specified folder. Adding the /S and /Q parameters ensures that the deletion executes on sub-directories and runs quietly.
del "<file path>"
rmdir /S /Q "<folder directory>"

For example, to delete all cached NI installers:

del "C:\ProgramData\National Instruments\NI Package Manager\packages\*.nipkg"
rmdir /S /Q "C:\ProgramData\National Instruments\MDF\ProductCache"

3. Save the file with a .bat extension.

Running the Batch Script Manually

1. Open Command Prompt.
2. Navigate to the directory where the batch script is saved using cd "<batch script directory>".
3. Run the batch script with "<batch script name>".

cmd prompt.png

Running the Batch Script Periodically

1. Open Task Scheduler.
2. From the Actions pane on the right-hand side, select Create Basic Task...
3. In the Create Basic Task Wizard, specific a Name for the task and click Next.
4. Specify a trigger for the frequency at which the task executes. Click Next.
  • If a date/time related trigger is selected, the wizard prompts the user to define a start date and time.
5. Select Start a program as the type of action to perform. Click Next.
6. Click Browse and select the batch script created in the earlier section.
  • Leave Add arguments (optional) and Start in (optional) blank, then click Next.
7. Review the scheduled task and select Finish to save changes.