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Using LabVIEW Web Publishing Tool in Microsoft Edge

Updated Aug 5, 2023



  • LabVIEW

Internet Explorer (IE) 11 is the last major version of Internet Explorer and on June 15, 2022, the Internet Explorer 11 desktop application is no longer supported on certain versions of Windows 10.
In this case, there is a possibility to use LabVIEW Web Publishing Tool in Microsoft Edge in compatible mode with Internet Explorer.

Note: Although the IE compatible mode in Microsoft Edge works in some cases, this was never officially supported by NI. So NI does not guarantee that Web Publishing Tool in Microsoft Edge still works as it worked in IE. Additionally, embedded remote front panels described below is no longer supported in LabVIEW 2022 Q2 and later. Please refer to this document for more information.

  • Refer to the "Activate Internet Explorer Mode From Microsoft Edge" article
  • Follow the steps, described in the article above, to activate Internet Explorer Mode in Microsoft Edge. 
  • Open LabVIEW project
  • Open LabVIEW VI, which we want to run in Web Server
  • Refer to Tools→Web Publishing Tool...
  • Configure "Viewing Mode" by your requirements
  • Click on the "Start Web Server" button
After clicking the "Start Web Server" button, the "Preview In Browser" button will be enabled.
  • Click on the "Preview in Browser" button.
If Microsoft Edge is selected as a default browser, then the link will be opened in it, in other cases copy the link of our Web Server and open it in Microsoft Edge.
After completing the procedure above, click on the button to "Reload tab in Internet Explorer Mode".


After completing the steps above, the page will be reloaded, and we have the possibility to control our VI from Web Server.
