Warning 1073365999 Occurred at niRFSG Initiate

Updated Dec 20, 2023

Reported In


  • PXI Vector Signal Transceiver


  • RFmx



Issue Details

When I access my PXIe Vector Signal Transceiver (VST) instrument, whether that's through LabVIEW or a Soft Front Panel, I receive a Warning message equal to or similar to the following:
Warning 1073365999 occurred at niRFSG Initiated.
Possible reason(s):

Calibration constants stored in the EEPROM are missing or invalid. The device will continue to function, but the accuracy of the measurements may be compromised. This may be due to an incorrect calibration or corrupted calibration data in the EEPROM. Perform either an external calibration, self-calibration, or contact NI technical support. 

 RFSG Warning.png
How do I get rid of the message? Does it mean my data is inaccurate?


This warning can be seen with a generation VST, and a similar one can be seen with the acquiring side of the VST. It can be seen in the RFmx Soft Front Panel, the NI-RFSA Soft Front Panel, the NI-RFSG Soft Front Panel, and the LabVIEW IDE.
To make the warning go away, the easiest method is to perform a self-calibration. Follow the steps explained in the following link to do so, Self-Calibrating a VST Device. If the Self-Calibration fails with error -1074097149, check the Error -1074097149 When Self-Calibrating a VST article.
If your instrument has been calibrated within the recommended interval (usually 1 year), the data's accuracy should be ok. However, the best is that once the warning has been cleared, the instrument is compared to a known standard.