Issue Details
I am using Matlab 2022b and VeriStand 2023 Q4. I installed the VeriStand Model Generation Support 1.0 and NI GCC Cross-Compiler for NI Linux Real-Time targets to compile Matlab/Simulink models but always got error 2:
gmake: *** No rule to make target `C:/Users/xiaoming.Li/AppData/Roaming/MATHWO~1/MATLAB~1/TOOLBO~1/VERIST~1/RUNTIM~1/veristand_model_capi.cpp', needed by `veristand_model_capi.obj'. Stop.
E:\517\3.Sim\4.RTTest\Test_veristand_rtw>echo The make command returned an error of 2
The make command returned an error of 2
E:\517\3.Sim\4.RTTest\Test_veristand_rtw>exit /B 1
Test Failed Code generation information file does not exist.
0 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)
Build duration: 0h 2m 1.1525s
Error: Error(s) encountered while building "Test"
I am sure that VeriStand Model Generation Support 1.0 is compatible with Matlab 2022b.