当我利用包含声音和振动工具包VI的LabVIEW代码创建可执行文件时,出现错误 7:
LabVIEW cannot find a file that is a dependency of a Startup, Exported, or Always Included VI.
File Not Found: C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2022\vi.lib\addons\_NISVFA\_Shared subVIs\Spectrum Averaging\svfa_Average Array (complex) No State.vi
The missing file might be referenced by one of the libraries included in the build or by the file - Multifunction FFT (Simulated).vi. To fix this issue:
- Open all Startup, Exported, or Always Included VIs, recompile them (CTRL+SHIFT Click the Run arrow) and save them to update their dependencies.