VeriStand Standalone Deployment Order Requirement

Updated Feb 1, 2024

Reported In


  • VeriStand

Issue Details

I am using VeriStand with 3 Linux Real-Time Target systems in parallel and in future, I am intended to use VeriStand Standalone Deployment. Now if Standalone deployment is configured, is there any sequence I need to follow when starting up the system?


When the "Run System Definition" option is selected, the VeriStand engine will immediately load and run the saved system definition file when it boots up, without needing to wait for a Gateway to deploy to it. Because of that, there is no way to enforce deployment order.

If the user wants to automate deployment and still be able to enforce the deployment order, you could look into using the VeriStand APIs to control deployment to the targets.

Additional Information

Other than that, if the targets' configuration is not dependent on each other there should be no effect on the target booting sequence. Else, you will need to start the Slave first then you can start the Master and that is the order is needed.