Add up New Single Seats User Into Current Existing Volume License Agreement (VLA) Seats

Updated Aug 25, 2023

Reported In


  • Volume License Manager

Issue Details

I just purchased another 3 single seats licenses. I want to combine with current existing VLA 9 seats in Volume License Manager (VLM) to make it easier for manage. Therefore, it should be got 3+9 =12 seats in VLM.

However,  I tried to add on the single seats into VLM but failed, why?


It's not recommended to combine current existing seat and new seats licenses due to contract end date for both seats are different. It might cause VLM can't grant access probably due to conflict of contract date.

Scenario 1: New seats haven't purchased.
Suggestion: Contact  to align the start & end date with the current VLM seats.

Scenario 2:New seats already purchased. The start & end date of new seats and current seats both are same.
Suggestion: Contact  to adjust both seats start & end date in system and generate new license file.

Scenario 3:  New seats already purchased. The start & end date of new seats and current seats both are different. Duration differences between new seats and current seats within 1 month. 
Suggestion: Contact  to discuss whether adjust in system or combine it on next new renewal period. (Depends on different region)

Scenario 4: New seats already purchased. The start & end date of new seats and current seats both are different. Duration differences between new seats and current seats more than 1 month. 
Suggestion: Combine the new seats on next new renewal period. (Depends on different region)

Additional Information

  1. When add/remove/edit serial number in VLM, a new license file need to be generated.
  2. If you're not sure which scenario you belong to or need some advice, you may contact .