Stimulus Profile Does Not Update Model Parameters on VeriStand

Updated Jan 3, 2023

Reported In


  • VeriStand

Issue Details

I have a model imported to my VeriStand and would like to use Stimulus Profile to update the values of its parameter. I tried to do that by mapping the model parameter to a Parameter or to a Channel Reference in the Variables pane in the Real-Time Sequence. However, running the Stimulus Profile does not update the model parameter.


This is expected behavior. Model parameters are specific to tuning and, as such, are not treated as channels the same way other variables are. Consider:
  1. Using Update Model Parameters from File step type in the Stimulus Profile Editor to access them. The Update Model Parameters from File uses the VeriStand API to modify those variables directly.
  2. Changing the parameter to an inport if you'd prefer not to create a file for switching parameter inputs.

Additional Information

For the use of Update Model Parameters refer to Example 7: Updating Model Parameters During Test Execution.