How to edit the default path for LabVIEW Icon Editor Glyphs folder

Updated Oct 27, 2021

If the Glyphs in the Icon Editor in LabVIEW don't show up, the easiest path forward is to follow the article  Glyphs and Templates Are Missing in LabVIEW Icon Editor  to synchronize the NI Icon Library. However, if needed, there is a way you can edit the default path for the Glyphs in case you want to populate your glyphs, for example, from a network location. 

The source code for the Icon Editor always uses the LabVIEW Data folder for building the path to the Glyphs folder for the Icon Editor, there is no way in the built-in code to override this behavior.

However, there is a workaround. Instead of using the built-in Icon Editor, which is a non-editable PPL, replace the icon editor with its (editable) source code following these steps:

  1. Download the editable Icon Editor source code from here Enhanced Icon Editor.
    • Scroll the discussion forum topics and go to the Icon Editor Source Files for LabVIEW 20xx link, where the xx matches your LabVIEW version, download the attached file.
  2. Rename <LabVIEW20xx>\resource\plugins\lv_icon.lvlibp, the shipping icon editor, to lv_icon.lvlibp.ship to "hide" it.
  3. Archive <LabVIEW20xx>\vi.lib\LabVIEW Icon API to preserve the shipping copy.  Use your archive program of choice.archive
  4. Open the downloaded ZIP file and copy the two directories into your <LabVIEW20xx> directory.  This installs the code into <LabVIEW20xx>\resource\plugins\ with associated support files.
  5. Edit the Get LV Glyph located in [LabVIEW 20xx]\vi.lib\LabVIEW Icon API\lv_icon\Support\ to source the Glyphs library from a different location. For this example the custom path was C:\Users\lvadmin\Desktop.custom_glyph_path
  6. Save the VI.