Error -17500 When Starting Calibration Executive

Updated Jul 22, 2021

Reported In


  • Calibration Executive

Issue Details

Whenever I attempt to start Calibration Executive I get the following error:

Error -17500 occurred at Exception occured in TSUI.IApplicationMgr: Cannot create TestStand Engine in UI_TestStand -Set TestStand Application>>

The error code is undefined. No one has provided a description for this code, or you might have wired a number that is not an error code to the error code input.

Calex error.png

After clicking OK I get the following window:

Screenshot 2021-07-20 054306.png

How can I solve this issue?


This issue is caused by the TestStand configuration files going corrupt. 

You can solve the issue by removing the files found at C:\ProgramData\National Instruments\TestStand 2019 (64-bit)\Cfg and rebooting the systems. This procedure will generate new configuration files.