Error Compiling NI RFIC Test Software .NET Sample Project

Updated Sep 27, 2024

Reported In


  • RFIC Test Software

Programming Language

  • Visual Basic .NET

Issue Details

I'm using RFIC Test Automation Wizard to create .NET Sample Project. I'm expecting it ready to be compile but when I tried to compile the example project without editing any codes in Microsoft Visual Studio, it shown a list of syntax error.
How should I fix it?


This issue may cause by using incompatible Visual Studio to compile RFIC .NET example project.

In order to use RFIC .NET example project, you need to use at least Visual Studio 2017 or later. 

If the problem still persists, kindly check on whether you have installed correct requirement NI software version for NI-RFSG, NI-RFSA, NI-FGEN, NI-DCPower, NI-SCOPE, NI-RFmx and NI-RFSG Playback Library. Kindly make sure you have installed .NET framework 4.5 or above.