NI 8260 Windows 10 Driver

Updated Dec 6, 2023

Reported In


  • NI-8260

Issue Details

I am using a NI 8260 data storage module. I have been using this on an older OS without issue but now I am upgrading to Windows 10. Is there a driver for the NI 8260 for Windows 10?


There is no official supported Windows 10 driver for the NI 8260.
The NI 8260 is obsolete and therefore will not receive and further driver updates.
NI Recommends using a newer storage module with Windows 10 support, such as the PXIe-8267.

However, it may be possible to get the NI 8260 to work on Windows 10. This would be an unsupported use case and has not been tested by NI. NI will not be able to assist with any issues that may arise with a Windows 10 system nor can we confirm the speed and rates of the module will be consistent on Windows 10.
To attempt to use the NI 8260 on Windows 10, follow the NI 8260 Installation guide (created for Windows 7) in Windows 10. Specifically, the "Import Foreign Disks" step in the "Moving the NI 8260 to a Different System" section on page 15 of the manual.