Error When Updating NI Package Manager on Windows Virtual Machine

Updated Jul 16, 2021

Reported In


  • Package Manager

Issue Details

I am trying to update NI Package Manager (NIPM) or install a new package on my Windows Virtual Machine (VM), but I am receiving the below error:
"An error occurred while receiving data from the network. 
(OpenSSL SSL_read: error: 1408F119:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD: 
decryption failed or bad record mac, errno 0)"
What is causing this error to occur?


This error is the result of a communication issue between your virtual machine and NI's software hosting servers. Try the below steps to address this issue.
  • Ensure that the issue isn't resolved by any of the methods used to resolve "An Error Occurred While Installing a Package" errors in NIPM.
  • Ensure that your VM's network connection is not configured as bridged. If your VM's connection is configured as bridged, change the connection back to shared or network access translation (NAT) and perform the update/download you need.  The method for changing these settings will differ based on your VM software, but should be contained under "Virtual Network Settings." You can reset your VM's network connection to bridged after performing your update or download if it is necessary for your system.
  • If the above methods do not resolve this issue, you should uninstall NI Package Manager and all other NI software from your computer, and reinstall NIPM.

Additional Information

Network Access Translation connections mask the IP of your virtual machine, making it seem as though communication from your VM is coming from the computer that's hosting the VM. Bridged connections expose your VM's IP address, and allows it to be recognized on your network as a distinct device by other computers.