Orange LED Light from PXIe-8881 Within the Chassis

Updated Apr 27, 2023

Reported In


  • PXIe-8881

Issue Details

There is a solid orange light within my PXIe chassis. It is emitted by PXIe-8881. The solid orange light remains there as long as the chassis is connected to a switched on power supply even the controller is not powered up. Image below illustrate my setup's current situation.


May I know what does the solid orange light means?


The orange light is emitted by a LED (DS501) located in PXIe-8881. It is an indicator for a board-to-board communication bus. When the LED light up, it means the communication is good. For completeness, there's another one nearby (DS500) that flashes when there's host communication to the serial port or any register on that device)