NI-XNET CAN Module Disappeared From cRIO Chassis

Updated Jul 8, 2021

Reported In


  • NI-9862



Issue Details

Trying to use an NI-9862 XNET CAN module on a cRIO chassis. It worked for a few minutes, then threw an error (-1074384710) and disappeared from MAX/cRIO web interface and is no longer a valid XNET Interface.

Possible reason(s):
NI-XNET:  (Hex 0xBFF630BA) The NI-XNET driver timed out when performing low-level communication with the device. This could occur if the device was removed, communication with its parent chassis failed, or a general hardware failure occurred.


Check the CPU usage of the cRIO. It may be the case that the code is making the controller go beyond it's capabilities. CPU usage should be below 75%.

Additional Information

Adding a '" to your loops, allows the controller to process the information being acquired reduces the CPU usage.