Is It Possible To Mark Specific Points of a Waveform During Runtime?

Updated Jan 9, 2025

Reported In


  • LabVIEW Professional

Operating System

  • Windows

Issue Details

I’m reading sensor data and plotting it as a waveform in LabVIEW. Is there a mechanism to automatically set markers along the waveform in specific points of interest during runtime?

I would like to achieve something like what is shown in the image below:


There is not built-in way of marking specific points on a waveform signal in LabVIEW. Nevertheless, you should be able to do this programmatically by bundling two waveforms. One waveform is the original signal waveform, and the other is a conditionally created waveform with different point style properties that will be overlaid on top of the original one. 

The snippet below illustrates how this could be accomplished:

To use this snippet, simply drag and drop it on a new LabVIEW block diagram. In this scenario, the condition used to create the marks waveform is if the incoming value is anywhere between 0.2 and -0.2 The boolean condition can be modified to any desired one for the application.

The results are shown below. The combined waveform will contain the desired conditional marks:
