Error -1074118562 Displayed When Configuring Settings for PXI-6683H After a Reboot

Updated Apr 27, 2023

Reported In


  • PXI-6683


  • NI-Sync

Issue Details

I get the following error when configuring my PXI-6683H timing and synchronisation card in Measurement and Automation Explorer (NI MAX).
Error -10744118562 occurred at Property Node (arg1) in <VI NAME>.vi
Possible reason(s):
The network interface associated with the device was not found. Ensure that the associated NIC (network interface controller) is installed and enabled.

NI 6683H - Error -1074118562


The error indicates that the NIC (Network Interface Controller) is not working as expected, so you should check the network settings and port is enabled as expected. The following steps can help with this.
  • Reset the PXI-6683H in NI MAX using the Reset button
MAX reset button
  • In Network & Internet Settings of Windows
    • Ensure the port is enabled.
    • Check the driver assigned to the port is the NI 6683H driver.
    • Disable and Enable the adapter in Windows.
    • Check IP settings are correct/as expected.

For additional network device troubleshooting steps, please refer to this knowledgebase.