NI OPC UA Loaded With Errors on the Target and Was Closed

Updated Feb 29, 2024

Reported In


  • LabVIEW OPC UA Toolkit

Operating System

  • LabVIEW Real-Time (NI Linux Real-Time)

Issue Details

When I deploy my NI OPC UA project to my Linux RealTime target, I get the following error in the deployment progress window.
NI OPC UA loaded with errors on the target and was closed.

OPCUA error on deployment


This happens because the dependant libraries for OPC UA functions are not on the target. To resolve, check the following:
  • NI OPC UA support has been installed on your Target. The simplest way is to check the Software drop down under the Realtime target in NI Measurement and Automation Explorer (NI MAX).
  • You are using a LabVIEW 2017 or later.

NI OPC UA support for Linux Realtime can be installed by:
  • Using the OPKG package installer over SSH.
    • opkg install ni-opc-ua
  • Via Software>>Add/Remove Software in NI MAX under your LinuxRT target.


Additional Information

Please note that there are several Linux RT System Image, such as Linux RT System Image Q1 2020, Linux RT System Image Q2 2020, and Linux RT System Image 20.5 that do not have the ni-opc-ua or OPC UA API option defined in the feeds. To resolve this, please update to a newer Linux image such as Linux RT System Image 20.6 and above.