Declaration Is Not Valid While Trying to Include New Generated CLIP in LabVIEW FPGA

Updated Jun 7, 2023

Reported In


  • LabVIEW FPGA Module
  • LabVIEW

Issue Details

I have generated 4 files (.vhd . xdc .cfg .xml) using CLIP (Component-Level IP) Wizard.
Now I want to include these files to get In/Outputs. Going through steps: RMC Socket, properties, browse, want to add the .cfg file but getting the following error:


Declaration is not valid.
Warning Info: This CLIP may have been generated for a different version of LabVIEW than you are currently running. Therefore, this CLIP might fail to compile or might not function correctly. To fix this issue, regenerate the CLIP in the latest version of LabVIEW.


The issue is related to Windows format settings for the decimal separator.
Please try the first step, if it doesn't work try the second one:  

  1.  Go to LabVIEW options, deactivate "Use localized decimal point" and restart LabVIEW.                                                          Image_2021-04-15_19-09-03.png
  2. Change your Windows separator: [External] Change the character used to separate thousands or decimals