Issue Details
I would like to create an application with Excel access. For this I add the NI_Excel.lvclass file to the project so that it is available in the build specification and it later ends up under source files in "Always included".
Adding it in to LabVIEW project: on My Computer, the Loading window appears and freezes.
It says following:
Compiling: 1 of 44
C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2020\vi.lib\addons\_office\_exclsub.llb\
Search: <This part stays grayed out>
As soon as I click on something: (No Feedback) appears in the window title.
From then on LabVIEW hangs.
I have tried to follow LabVIEW help instructions described in Including Report Generation VIs in Stand-Alone Applications (Report Generation Toolkit) article, but it was impossible to verify all files and VIs because I couldn't open them.