Option Explicit
dim targetPath : targetPath = CurrentScriptPath &"Example.csv"
dim channelsToSave : Set channelsToSave = Data.GetChannels("[1]/*")
dim Delimiter : Delimiter = ","
call DataFileSaveSel("<filename>"&targetPath&"</filename>" & "<delimiter>"&Delimiter&"</delimiter>", "CSV", channelsToSave)
call SaveToCsvSpecial(channelsToSave, targetPath)
sub SaveToCsvSpecial(channelsToSave, targetPath)
dim delimiter : delimiter = ","
' lines to be added in front
dim nameLine : nameLine = ""
dim unitLine : unitLine = ""
' loop over channels and create lead in
dim firstTime : firstTime = true
dim channelToSave : for each channelToSave in channelsToSave
if firstTime then
firstTime = false
nameLine = nameLine & delimiter
unitLine = unitLine & delimiter
end if
nameLine = nameLine & Replace(channelToSave.name, "\", "/")
unitLine = unitLine & channelToSave.UnitSymbol
' join them and add CRLF
dim myHeader : myHeader = nameLine & VBCRLF & unitLine & VBCRLF
' lets write them to two files and join them
call SaveToCsvWithOwnHeader(myHeader, channelsToSave, delimiter, targetPath)
end sub
sub SaveToCsvWithOwnHeader(byVal ownHeader, byVal channelsToSaveList, byVal delimiter, byVal targetPath)
dim fso : Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
dim targetPathBody : targetPathBody = targetPath & ".body"
dim tfHandle : set tfHandle = fso.OpenTextFile(targetPath, 2, 0)
dim param : param = "<filename>" & replace(targetPathBody, "&", "&") & "</filename>" &_
"<delimiter>" & delimiter & "</delimiter><channelnames>no</channelnames>"
Call DataFileSaveSel(param, "CSV_EXPORT", channelsToSave)
' the copy command can join files binary
dim cmd : cmd = "cmd /C copy /b """ & targetPath & """ + """ & targetPathBody & """ """ & targetPath & """"
dim rv : rv = CreateObject("wscript.shell").Run(cmd, 7, True)
if 0 <> rv then
err.Raise 100, "", "copy /b failed with state " & rv
end if
' lets remove the body file
fso.DeleteFile targetPathBody
end sub
DIAdemの命名規則では一部の記号をデータセット、チャンネルグループ、チャンネル、カスタムプロパティの名前に使用した場合、自動的に置き換えが発生する仕様になっています。その為、例えばチャンネル名が"Speed (m/s)"のデータをDIAdem Data Portalに読み込むと、自動的に"Speed (m\s)"と変換されます。また、このデータを*.csvファイルなどに出力すると、"Speed (m\s)"のまま出力されます。これらの自動置き換えされた部分を元の状態に戻してファイル出力するには上記の様なコードが必要となります。