NI-VISA Error -1073807279 When Communicating With PCIe Card in LabVIEW

Updated May 19, 2021

Reported In


  • LabVIEW



Issue Details

I used to communicate with a PCI card in LabVIEW without issues. After I replaced the PCI card by a PCIe, I receive the following error:
Error -1073807279 occurred at Error 0xBFFF0051 occurred at 
Detailed Description: PXI::0::INSTR

Possible Reason(s):

VISA:  (Hex 0xBFFF0051) Invalid offset specified.



This error can occur if the LabVIEW libraries being used in the program are outdated in relation to the device. To fix this, make sure the most recent libraries are being used instead. When replacing a DF PROFINET IO PCI with LabVIEW PROFINET VISA driver for Windows 7 / Windows 10 and LabVIEW RT by a DF PROFINET IO PCIe
with LabVIEW PROFINET VISA driver for Windows 7 / Windows 10 and LabVIEW RT, for example, make sure LabVIEW library Comsoft.lib is replaced by KUNBUS GmbH.


Additional Information