Archived:Display Image in LabVIEW NXG Web Module

Updated Oct 20, 2022

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LabVIEW NXG Web Module support image display from both local disk and cloud storage. Kindly refer to the instruction below to implement the respective method.




Display Image from Local Disk

  1. Within the same directory level with your main webVI, create a namespace. add namespace
  2. Name the namespace accordingly.
  3. Right-click the namespace and select Add filesimport file
  4. In the Browse dialog box, select the image(s) you would like to display in your webVI. select image
  5. After selecting the image(s), a Copy Existing File(s) dialog box will appear. Select Copy so the image(s) you have selected will be duplicated as a backup specifically for this web application project of yours. copy
  6. Drag and drop the URL Image to your Panel. drag and drop
  7. Click the Browse this component within the Item side panel to select which image(s) you would like to display. 
  8. If you would like to select which image(s) to display programmatically, you can drag and drop URL Image from Unplaced Items to Diagram and provide the path to your image(s) relative to your web application project. programmatically

Display Image from Cloud Storage

  1.  Drag and drop URL Image to Panel. drag and drop
  2. Copy the HTTP or HTTPS link to access your image(s).
  3. Paste the link as input for the Source URL parameter in the Item side panel. Your image will automatically be displayed once you paste the link, without the need to run the webVI.paste link
  4. If you would like to determine which image(s) to display programmatically, you can do it by drag and drop URL Image from Unplaced Items to Diagram and provide the HTTP or HTTPS link needed to access your image(s). drag and drop