MPManager Crashes and Won't Open

Updated Apr 30, 2021

Reported In


  • Micropross Accessories


SW: MPManager

Issue Details

I am trying to open MPManager, but when I click on the icon, nothing happens. The same thing occurs if I try to run it any other way.  I even tried re-installing it and I get the same issue.

How do I solve this?


MPManager is having trouble reaching its databases. They may have become corrupted.

In order to fix this issue, using File Explorer, first you will need to enable hidden folders by clicking on View > Hidden items in the top menu bar of the File Explorer window. This will enable the ProgramData folder, which is normally hidden.

Then navigate to C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Local\Micropross and delete all items present in the directory. This will cause MPManager to rebuild its databases and it should now open as usual.