File Not Found Exception Vision Common in VBAI

Updated Dec 22, 2023

Reported In


  • Vision Builder for Automated Inspection

Operating System

  • Windows

Programming Language

  • C# .NET

Issue Details

After installing Vision Builder Application Automated Inspection, when I try to run inspection code built in C# .NET, I get the following error:

File name: 'NationalInstruments.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=18cbae0f9955702a'
at NationalInstruments.Vision.WindowsForms.PaletteEntriesCollection..ctor()
at NationalInstruments.Vision.WindowsForms.Palette..ctor(PaletteType type)
at NationalInstruments.Vision.WindowsForms.ImageViewer..ctor()
at TIS.MainForm.InitializeViewerComponent()


The error is due to missing components in the computer after a failed or incomplete installation of VBAI.

To solve this issue:
  1. Try to repair VBAI using the following steps in this article: Repair Software In NI Package Manager
  2. Try to uninstall and reinstall VBAI. During the installation process, make sure to install the support packages that come with VBAI

If the above steps don't work, please contact NI Support for further troubleshooting steps.