Unable to Change NI Account Password

Updated Apr 19, 2024

Issue Details

I tried to change the password of my NI account, and no errors were reported when I clicked the save button. However, when I log out of my account and log in again, I still need to use the old password. What should I do to successfully change the password?


To resolve this problem, it is recommended to try on another web browser. If the problem still persists, you can submit site feedback to get support for this issue.

Submit Site Feedback

1. Selecting Site Feedback at the bottom of the any page on ni.com
site feedback button
2. The following screen should appear when you click the Site Feedback. 

Site feedback
3. Complete the required information and click Submit button. The site support team will contact you through the email you provided. It is recommended to provide the detail steps that you have tried such as when you tried to change password and which browser you tested.