Error -1074118655 Occurs at niUSRP Fetch Rx Data After Some Time

Updated Apr 27, 2023

Reported In


  • NI-USRP 20.0

Issue Details

I am using NI-USRP 20.0, 20.1 or 20.5 and after some time running niUSRP Fetch Rx Data, I receive the message:

SS 2021 03 29 Error Dialogue - niUSRP Unexpected rx_metadata error_code (1).png
Error -1074118655 occurred at niUSRP Fetch Rx Data (CDB Cluster).vi

Possible reason(s):
niUSRP Fetch Rx Data (CDB Cluster).gvi:<ERR>Internal Software Fault.  Contact National Instruments ( for support.
Unexpected rx_metadata error_code



This is an overflow error. To solve this issue, increase the amount of samples you read or increase the rate at which you read the samples. See Overflow Error When Acquiring At High IQ Rates With USRP for more information.

Additional Information

This error is related to a buffer error and appears as a result of the support of migration to UHD 4.0 in NI-USRP 20.0, 20.1 and 20.5.
In UHD 4.0, the overflow/underflow error handling method changed and this error may not propagate currently if there is not enough memory available between the USRP device and the host, which can be caused by the buffer consuming the available RAM.