Issue Details
I am using NI-SCOPE multi device session in my LabVIEW code to configure a channel of each of the two NI PXIe-5162(4 Channel) in my PXI system. I would like to measure the Time Delay & Phase Delay between these two channels and for this I am using the 'Other Channel' NI-SCOPE Property Node. However, when I run my LabVIEW program the Property Node throws the below error:
Error -1074135022 occurred at Property Node(arg 1) in Configured Acquisition - Multi-Device Session (1).vi
Possible reason(s):
IVI: (Hex 0xBFFA0012) Attribute or property not supported.
Attribute Id: Other Channel
However, I am able to perform the same measurements on these channels using the InstrumentStudio.