Opening a File with DIAdem Excel Importer Opens Excel and Closes It Immediately

Updated Oct 2, 2024

Reported In


  • TDM Excel Add-In for Microsoft Excel
  • DIAdem

Issue Details

I have a TDMS file that I want to open with DIAdem's Excel Importer, by right-clicking the file and choosing it with the 'Open With' option, after I do this Excel opens up but it immediately closes down again, why does this happen and how I do can I use this tool?


This behavior can be seen if the Excel Importer has not been registered as an Add-In for Excel, to register it you can follow the steps described in the following external document.


Additional Information

The paths for DIAdems addin should be on the following locations.

C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\Shared\TDM Excel Add-In

C:\Program Files\National Instruments\Shared\TDM Excel Add-In