Unable To Load DLL 'x64\PS6000_64.dll': A Dynamic Link Library Initialization Routine Failed

Updated Apr 5, 2021

Reported In


  • Micropross Accessories


HW: Contactless Test Station
SW: MPManager & EMVCo PICC Test Suite

Issue Details

I am trying to run an NFC test suite with MPManager. However, when I try to complete the setups, I receive an error message stating, "Picoscope connection error. Check if the Picoscope is on, if the cables are plugged and the configuration correct. (Unable to load DLL 'x64\PS6000_64.dll': A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007045A))."

Why am I seeing this error?


This is a permissions error that occurs because the Picoscope drivers require administrator rights to access, and MPManager is not running with administrator privileges.

Please re-install MPManager as administrator, by right-clicking on the MPManager.exe installer and selecting Run as Adminstrator. As an immediate workaround, you can simply run your current installation as administrator by selecting the current installation and using the same process, right-click and select Run as Administrator.