Open Programmatically subVIs Front Panels on Real-Time Controller (cRIO)

Updated May 22, 2024



  • cRIO-9034
  • cRIO-9037


  • LabVIEW
  • Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)

I want to programmatically open Front Panels from different subVIs in my Real-Time Controller for debugging purposes.


The documentation for this method specifies that is possible to use it in an Real-Time Controller.

Verify if the Real-Time Controller supports Embedded UI .

If the Real-Time Controller supports this functionality, you need to enable the Embedded UI option from the Startup Settings of the System in NI MAX.
  1. Select your Real-Time Controller from the Configuration Pane
  2. Select the System Settings Tab
  3. Check Enable Embedded UI option in Startup Settings

Use the FP.Open Method on LabVIEW to open a Front Panel from a subVI in Real-Time Controller.

Next Steps

If LabVIEW shows Error 1043:
Please verify that you saved the configuration in NI MAX and also restarted the Real-Time Controller.

Please note that it is not recommended to use Front Panels in Real-Time Controller due to the limited resources.
It is recommended to use this feature for Debugging Purposes only.