An Error Prevented a Backup File From Being Created in NI VLM

Updated Jun 13, 2023

Reported In


  • Package Manager
  • Volume License Manager

Issue Details

I would like to create a Backup of NI Volume License Manager (VLM), by going to File>>Backup/Restore NI VLM..>>Backup VLM, but I got the following error every time I try:

An error prevented a backup file from being created. The location you selected to save the backup file is full or cannot be accessed.

Ensure that the backup directory in Tools>>Preferences is correct. After you have corrected any errors, retry backup.

VLM Backup error.png
How to prevent this error to happen?


This warning can occur if you are using an older version of NI VLM. Please first make sure that you have the newest version of VLM installed on your PC. The latest version can be downloaded from the following page: Volume License Manager download page.

If you already have the most up-to-date version, then you can also try to choose a different saving direction for your backup file. It's a good way to isolate if the issue is happening because of the folder you selected or because of NI VLM.

If the issue still persists after changing the directory, then this issue is most likely happening because there's some kind of corruption in your Volume License Manager. Please try repairing NI VLM from the NI Package manager. Here are the steps on how to repair a non-working or corrupted software: Repair Software In NI Package Manager (NIPM)

Additional Information

Upgrading or repairing NI Volume License Manager (VLM) shouldn't have any effect on your current configuration.  However, the server may stop during the repair period, so you will need to restart the server manually after you finished the repair.