Finding the Relay and Channel Names for the NI-SLSC Switch API

Updated Nov 1, 2023



  • SLSC-12251
  • SLSC-12252



Programming Language

  • LabVIEW G

This article will explain how to use the NI-SLSC Switch API to find the channel and relays available to use on an SLSC 12251 or 12252.

If there is direct access to the device:
  1. Use the below LabVIEW Snippet to query the SLSC-12251 or SLSC-12252 module topology.Get 12251 Channels+Relays Device.png
  2. Edit the "topology" to target the SLSC-12252 if required, with "NI12252_topology".
  3. Run the VI and populate "channel names" and "relay names"
If there is no direct access to the device, it is possible to simulate the SLSC device:
  1. Download the attached zip file of SLSC-12251 and SLSC-12252 JSON topologies.
  2. Use the below LabVIEW Snippet to simulate an SLSC-12251 or SLSC-12252 module with default topologyGet 12251 Channels+Relays Simulated.png
  3. Edit the "topology" to target the SLSC-12252 if required, with "NI12252_topology".
  4. Run the VI and populate "channel names" and "relay names".

 If routing by relay names, the variables to use:
  • The relays for the high/low connections are “Ch0”,”Ch1” etc
  • The relays for connecting two channels together are “Ch0_Ch1”, “Ch2_Ch3”etc.
  • The relays for connecting the channels to the RTI inputs are “Ch0_BusA”, “Ch0_BusB”, etc
If routing by channels, the variables to use:
  • The channels attached to the J1 connector are “DUT_Ch0”, “DUT_Ch1” etc.
  • The channels attached to the J2 connector are “LOAD_Ch0”, “LOAD_Ch1” etc.
  • The RTI (J4/J5) are referenced by “BusA”, “BusB”.