Error -2147221164 When Viewing a Report in Calibration Executive

Updated Nov 10, 2021

Reported In


  • Calibration Executive

Issue Details

When I run a calibration procedure in Calibration Executive and I attempt to view the report I get the following error:

Error -217722164 occurred at Class not registered in>>>>

NI Cal Exec Error.jpg
Calibration Executive was working correctly before but now it gives me this error. How can I fix it?


This issue is caused by a corruption or change to the MSXML 4.0 distribution by Microsoft that gets installed with Calibration Executive.

In order to solve the issue you can install or reinstall the distribution on your computer. If you don't have access to the MSXML 4.0 distribution you can use the MSXML 4.0 SP3 distribution attached in this article.

Additional Information

Even though MSXML 4.0 SP3 is not listed as supported on Windows 10, installing it solves this issue on a Windows 10 machine.