How to extend my Denso Robot warranty outside of europe

Updated Feb 11, 2021



  • Micropross Accessories


HW:Denso robot

Some NFC conformance Test bench from NI is delivered with a Denso Robot covered by a 2 year warranty within Europe.
How can I extend my warranty outside of Europe?

1.Navigate to the User Registration of overseas transfer support online formular.
2.Click on Information update
3.Fill out the following Transfer Source Information     

       a.Company name : NI HUNGARY Kft.
      b.Address : Hatar Ut 1/A, 4031 Debrecen
      c.Name of the contact person : NI
      d.Telephone number: +36 52 515 400
      e.E-mail address:

4.Fill out the Transfer destination information with your informations
5.Click on the policy agreement check box.
6.Click on send.

You will then receive a transfer notification email from Denso on the email address you previously filled.