Errors When Try to Access to Events and Alarms in My Citadel Database

Updated Jun 6, 2023

Reported In


  • LabVIEW
  • LabVIEW Datalogging and Supervisory Control Module

Issue Details

I want to access to Alarms and events in my database, but I am receiving the errors -1967386611 and -1967386594 when I try to access. What can I do?


To solve this we can follow the next steps:
  • Verify if the files are being generated in the Location that you set the database.
  • Check if the Services "NI Citadel" and "NI Variable Engine" are running
  • Be sure to enable Logs Alarms & and Events
  • Be sure to Enable Alarms and Events in the DSC Settings: Database, in the Project Library Properties
  • Use the Server SQL Manager, Security, Server Roles to activate the right role for the user NICitadeluser

Now the database for Events and Alarms must be accessible to read