Additional Information
The NI SystemLink Forwarding Service (nisystemlinkforwarding.exe) will continuously log this error as long as it has Asset Performance Management (APM) data that it tries to forward but it cannot. The forwarding service in the client is trying to publish Asset Utilization data to the server, but it is unable. This error is more of a warning, as it will retry until the APM service becomes available.
All the Asset Utilization information from all sources goes through that forwarding service. For example, even if Asset Utilization Tracking is disabled in TestStand, there could be something else on the system publishing utilization data.
This error message will continue to be reported until it manages to successfully publish all the leftover utilization data on the system. Even if the source creating the data is stopped, the previously created utilization data will still be there on the target, waiting to be synchronized with the server.