In order to use a cluster as a shared variable, first create a custom control of that cluster with the following steps:
- Within LabVIEW, right-click on a Cluster on the Front Panel and select Advanced»Customize... This will bring up a screen for customizing a control.
- If the cluster is already in the form you would like it (proper number and order of elements), you can simply save the control as a .ctl file.
- Open the Project Explorer window and create a new shared variable (right-click on My Computer and select New»Variable.)
- Select From Custom Control... as the data type of your variable. This will bring up a file path window where you can select your saved custom control.
Additional Information
The custom shared variable type does not support some features such as RT FIFO (for LabVIEW Real-Time) or alarming (for LabVIEW DSC). For more information on using LabVIEW Shared Variables, see
Using the LabVIEW Shared Variable.