How to Deploy XNET Database into Real-Time Targets

Updated Apr 12, 2023



  • LabVIEW



Operating System

  • LabVIEW Real-Time (NI Linux Real-Time)

How do I deploy a XNET database onto my Real-Time(RT) target? Can I do this programmatically? 

There are two ways to deploy a XNET database into an RT target:
  • Through the NI XNET Database Editor
  • Programmatically using the NI-XNET API
Deploying Through NI XNET Database Editor 
  1. Open the NI XNET Database Editor by searching for it in the Start Menu or navigating to Start >> All Programs >> National Instruments >> NI-XNET >> Database Editor.  
  2. Navigate to File >> Manage Aliases.  The Manage XNET Database dialog box will open. 
  3. Insert the IP address of the desired RT target into IP Address of RT Target. Select Connect like below figure 1.

Figure 1. Manage NI-XNET Databases
     4. Select Deploy to deploy the database.

Deploying Programmatically

The XNET Database function programmatically deploys database files onto RT targets. It is located in the LabVIEW functions palette under Measurement I/O >> XNET >> Database >> File Mgt >> XNET Database 

Additional Information

To see XNET Database which is Deploying Programmatically method used in an example, please refer to Managing RT in NI Example Finder. To find it, navigate to the Help tab in LabVIEW and select Find Examples >> Hardware Input and Output >> CAN >> NI-XNET >> Databases (Editing and Managing) >> Managing RT