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Give Users Windows Administrator Privileges for NI Software

Updated Nov 24, 2020


Operating System

  • Windows

  • I want to be able to allow people logged in as Users to have administrative privileges over National Instruments software and hardware
  • I don't want to give them administrative privileges to the entire system.
  • I want to know what issues could arise if users do not have admin privileges
  • I want to know what LabVIEW operations require admin privileges.
  • I want to know what files I can modify without admin privileges.

These steps shows you how to set Windows security settings to give non-administrator users full control over NI software. Without administrator privileges, problems can occur if you need to upgrade software or force re-install corrupted files. The lack of Windows administrative privileges can also result in certain NI software features becoming unusable, which may include:
  • Not being able to access Test Panels in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)
  • Not finding GPIB Instruments when using the Scan for Instruments functionality in MAX
  • No folders under My System in MAX
  • Not being able to use the DAQ Assistant
  1. Open the File Explorer. If using a 32-bit OS, navigate to the <Program Files (x86)> directory. If using a 64-bit OS, navigate to the <Program Files> directory.
  2. Right-click on the National Instruments folder and select Properties.
  1. Select the Security tab.
  2. Click Edit...
Graphical user interface, text, application  Description automatically generated
  1. Under Group or user names, select Users. Under Permissions for Users, place a checkmark in the Allow box for Full Control. This will automatically check the Allow box for Modify.
Graphical user interface, application  Description automatically generated
  1. Click Apply. It may take a few moments for this change because Windows is changing the users' security settings for NI software. Once finished, any user logged in should have full access to all installed NI products without changing other user privileges.