Importing a SPICE Model into Multisim without the Component Wizard

Updated Apr 12, 2023



  • Multisim

Is there a way to import a SPICE model into Multisim without going through the component wizard?

If there is a component in the database that is similar to the component model that you want to import, you can edit the database component to include the new model and then re-save it to your User or Corporate database. The steps below explain how to import an AD8011 opamp SPICE model into an AD8001AR component.
  1. Select Place»Component
  2. Select Analog from the Group pull down menu and then select Opamp under Family.
  3. Locate the AD8001AR from the list of components and then click the OK buttom to place it on the work area. A quick way to locate the component from the list is to type the part number under the Component field and Multisim will filter the list accordingly.
  4. Double left-click on the component and select the Edit Component in dB button.
  5. Select the Model tab and then press the Add/Edit button.
  6. Under Database Name select User Database and then press the Add button.
  1. Type AD8001 in the Model ID field and click OK.
  2. Click on the Load Model From File button and navigate to the path where you saved the AD8011.cir file and press the Open button.
  3. Click on the Select button and click the Yes button to change the model data.
  4. Under Model Name select the original model and click the Delete a Model button.
  5. Verify the model mapping is correct under the Pin Mapping Table. For more information about model mapping, please refer to Step 7 from the Creating a Custom Component in NI Multisim tutorial. 
  6. Click on the General tab.
  7. Enter AD8011 in the Name field.
  8. Click OK to save the model to your database.